Question and answer of conversation of plants and animals You need to know

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Conversation of plants and animals

    Whats up guys I am Raqib malik and today we know about conversation of plants and animals and some questions and answers of conversation of plants and animals from Science of class eight. So let’s start.
Introduction:- The process in which plants, animals and other living things like yak, Hangul, Wild Mango and giant squirrel are protected in Sanctuary, National Parks and Wildlife Reserves is also known as conversation. 

Conversation of plants and animals

Conversation of plants and animals

Question No 01:- Discuss the some effects of deforestation on wild animals and environment?
Answer:- Effects of deforestation on wild animals:- You know that plants and trees are the habitat and food of some wild animals like graphs, elephants, cows, horses, goats and yak. So cutting of trees destroy the natural habitat of wild animals and they would become endangered species.
Effects of deforestation on Environment:- Deforestation decrease the level oxygen in the atmosphere. Rainfall and the fertility of soil also decrease due to deforestation. As a result, there are increased chances of natural calamities like floods and drought.
Question No 02:- Explain how deforestation leads to reduced rainfall.     
Answer:- we know that forest helps in bringing the rainfall. So deforestation leads to reduced rainfall and the fertility of soil also decreases. As a result, there are increased chances of natural calamities such as flood and drought.
Question No 03:- What are endemic species?
Answer:- Endemic species. These are exclusively found in the particular area only which may be any geographical unit like a state, zone or a country.
 Question No 04:- What are migratory birds.
Answer :- Migratory Birds. These are those birds who cover long distance to reach another place in other words these are those birds which migrate from one place to another place due to climatic changes.
Question No 05 :- Write agents of soil erosion?
Answer:- Causes of soil erosion
Following are the some causes of soil erosion:
  1. Top soil is carried away by wind sweeping across ploughed soil left unused in dry season.
  2. Dust storms cause soil erosion.
  3. Loss of the forests by felling or fire start soil erosion. Soil is carried away by rivers and the streams and deposited in the ocean.
  4. Urbanization has led to removal of vegetation.
  5. Burrowing animals also contribute soil erosion. Soil is carried away by rivers and streams and deposited into the ocean.

Question No 06:- How can soil be conserved?
Answer:- Conservation of soil erosion:
Following are some steps by which we conserve soil erosion:
  1. Stopping clear cutting of forests and overgrazing of ranges, check soil erosion from by streams and rivers.
  2. Intensive cropping helps in checking soil erosion. A field always under a crop is protected against soil erosion.
  3. Bunds around the field containing rain water and check soil erosion besides washing away of minerals.
  4. Irrigation channels in the field should be so designed as to carry water at a slow speed.
  5. Drainage canals to carry flood water will protect the fields against soil erosion.  
Question No 07:- Name some animals which are preserved in our wildlife sanctuaries. What do these sanctuaries pose?

Answer:- Some of the important threatened wild  animals like  black buck, While eyed buck, elephant, golden cat, pink headed duck, gharial, marsh crocodile, python, rhinoceros, etc. are protected and preserved in our wild life sanctuaries.  Indian sanctuaries pose unique landscapes, broad level forests, mountain forests and virgin bush lands in deltas of big rivers.

Thanks for reading.............😊😊😊

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